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Pan Mee

Pan Mee,also pronounces as Ban Mian in Chinese. The place of origin is in Taihe County, Province of Anhui in China, Pan Mee has survived since the era of Three Kingdoms in ancient China history and has since becomes a delicacies amongst the Chinese. If you visited Taihe County in China, you can find hundreds of various sizes of shop and stall selling Pan Mee.

The traditional way of Pan Mee making is kneads noodle dough by hand, the process of kneading, pulling, stretching and hitting the dough on the table makes the noodle chewier and the sound of the dough hitting the table gives the name of Pan Mee.

Pan Mee was originally called “Flat Flour Noodle” in Malaysia; it was a local Hakka cuisine during the Golden Days and was widely accepted as a delicacies noodle amongst Hakka community.

After years of consolidation of local Chinese foods in Malaysia, Pan Mee is no more the sole delicacies of Hakka community as it is widely accepted by all Chinese nowadays. You can find Pan Mee not only at home, food stall, hawker centre, but also in Restaurant, Pan Mee specialty shop and even franchise shops.

Pan Mee is typically served in soup or thick black soy sauce (dried pan mee). The soup is boiled from dried anchovies. Both types of serving are topped with fried dried anchovies, minced meat, sliced mushroom, fried onions and a leafy vegetable called “sayur manis” (sauropus androgynus). To cater for the various appetite of its lover, Pan Mee is not only served in soup and thick black soy sauce. You can easily find Pan Mee served with Curry flavored soup, Pepper Clear flavored soup, Prawn flavored soup and Seafood flavored soup. If you are lucky enough, you can even find food stall selling fried Pan Mee as their signature dish. The topping of Pan Mee has also varied from the original toppings to toppings like meat, meat balls, fish balls, fish cakes and various kind of vegetable.

In order to cater for the high demand, Pan Mee is no more a handmade noodle and instead it is replaced with mass production by noodle making machine. The machine production not only reduces the dependent on handmade noodle master which is comparatively lesser due to retirement but also due to hygienic reason. As time is always of essence in our currently living style, instant noodle emerges to be an important and time saving food nowadays. In such a competitive market environment, INA PAN MEE has marketed before others assorted flavors of instant noodle Pan Mee to cater the need of its lover.

At last, we can conclude that Pan Mee has evolved from its place of origin in China and has becomes a local delicacies in Malaysia in terms of the types of serving as well as the toppings. Pan Mee has also been introduced to other races in Malaysia and is now widely accepted amongst the local community here.

Pan Mee
Pan Mee








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